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Indiana Highpoint - Hoosier Hill - 1257 ft

5 June 2005, 6:15 pm ET.  Highpoint #21.
Back to 2005 Northeast Highpoint Expedition

This highpoint seems to have been improved significantly since the guidebooks were written.  (One of the register entries mentioned a Scout project.)  After driving south on Elliot Road for 0.3 miles, just past the grove of trees, there is now a gravel driveway to the right, marked with a street sign labeled 'Highest Point'.  Down this road, 20 yards or so, there is a short trail to the right, up to the highpoint.  No more fence, no more stile.  There is a cairn, a sign, a register in a brick mailbox, and a picnic table at this highpoint now.  I reached the top at 6:15 ET, but given Indiana's creative use (dis-use) of Daylight Savings Time, who knows what the actual local time was!

My car parked along the new gravel road.  At the end of the short road, a short trail heads right into the trees and to the highpoint.

The Indiana highpoint summit.

View from near the summit.

Highpointers should contact the owner, Kim Goble, at (765) 966-5674 to request access permission. 


Highpoint Adventures, Charlie and Diane Winger, Colorado Mountain Club Press, 2002.
Highpoints of the United States, Don W. Holmes, University of Utah Press, 2000.